Houzeo Offers:
With Houzeo, you can receive offers from buyers or buyer agents directly. You have the convenience to review and compare the offers, counter any offer that doesn't meet your expectations, request the highest and best offers from interested parties, and ultimately decide to accept, reject, or mark an offer as a backup. This platform empowers you to manage your property's offers efficiently and make informed decisions throughout the selling process. At a glance, you’ll know how the buyer intends to finance the property, how big is the earnest money deposit, and when’s the closing.
- Review and Compare Offers: You can see all the offers you’ve received on a single dashboard, available both on the web and via the mobile app. This allows you to easily compare the details of each offer side by side.
- Counter Offers: Not only can you counter the offer price, but you can also negotiate other terms such as the closing date and earnest money deposit. This helps you tailor the deal to better meet your needs.
- Request Highest and Best Offers: If you receive multiple offers, Houzeo enables you to request a "Highest and Best" offer from the interested parties. This is particularly useful in competitive market conditions to ensure you get the best possible deal.
- Decision Making: You have the flexibility to accept, reject, or mark any offer as a backup, giving you full control over the selling process.
- Accepting/Rejecting: Refer to this article to know how you can accept an offer. To reject an offer, you can either allow it to expire or send a formal email to the buyer's agent or the buyer directly, clearly stating your intention not to proceed with the transaction.
Click the link to see how offers are managed and submitted on Houzeo with ease: Houzeo Offers How to review an offer? 🤔
Once a buyer or buyer agent submits an offer for your property online on Houzeo, we ensures you are promptly notified via email about the received offer. To review all the offers associated with your property, simply follow these easy steps:
i. Access your Houzeo dashboard by logging in.
ii. Click on "Offer" to view and manage all the offers you have received.
NOTE: Please ensure to raise an amendment request on Houzeo to update the status to Sale Pending(Under Contract) as it is required to update the status on the MLS in a timely manner to avoid any fines or penalties from the MLS.