I want to add on the MLS that this house has a tenant with 9 months left on the Lease.
To list a property on the MLS, there are two types of information that the Listing Agent can update on the listing details. They are as follows:
1. Public remarks or Property Description on the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) refer to the section of a real estate listing where agents can write a detailed description of the property being offered for sale. This narrative is meant to highlight the key features and selling points of the home to attract potential buyers. The text in public remarks is visible to anyone who views the listing, including on various real estate websites that pull data from the MLS.
2. Private agent remarks on the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) are notes included in a property listing that are not visible to the general public. Only real estate professionals who have access to the MLS can view these remarks. These notes typically contain important information that is useful for other agents but not appropriate for public display.
Due to privacy concerns, the MLS has regulated what information can be posted on the Public or Private remarks, thus information that is specifically related to the seller are not allowed on the Public remarks, and would be mentioned in the Private remarks.