How do I set my property listing to 'Coming Soon' on the MLS?

How do I set my property listing to 'Coming Soon' on the MLS?

According to the NAR (National Association of Realtors), a house with a “coming soon” status isn’t for sale but should be on the market within 30 days. Ideally, the property should not be shown or be accessible to buyers during this period. Listing agents might use “coming soon” real estate listings for reasons – which include accelerating the selling process and supporting their clients as they prepare their homes for sale.

If you wish to update your listing status to "Coming Soon" on the MLS, follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to your Houzeo Dashboard

Step 2: Look for the option to purchase the "Coming Soon" upgrade on the dashboard.

Step 3: Once you've selected the "Coming Soon" upgrade, proceed to make the payment. This may involve entering your payment details and confirming the purchase.

Step 4:  After completing the payment, your listing agent will take care of updating the status on the MLS. They have the necessary access and permissions to make this change.

If you have any questions or encounter difficulties during the process, consider reaching out to the customer support team, you can find information on how to contact us here.

While the "Coming Soon" option is common on many MLS, there are a few MLS' that do not have the coming soon option. Ensure that you check the availability of the Coming Soon option for your local MLS.

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