How do I cancel the listing?
Below are the steps to mark your listing Cancel:
Step 1: Click on the "Change MLS Listing" option on your Houzeo Dashboard.
Step 2: Click on "Cancelled" option under listing status change.
Step 3: Add the reason for cancellation and proceed by clicking on "Continue to Step 2."
You can only cancel the listing as long as you have not accepted an offer and have rejected all outstanding offers.
Step 4: To complete the process, provide an e-text signature by typing your name exactly as it appears below the signature field (remember that it is case-sensitive).
Once you have signed the amendment request, click on "Submit Amendment". This will create an amendment task that will be reviewed by your listing agent.
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out for further guidance. You can find details on how to reach us here.
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