Houzeo is a Flat Fee MLS Listing company that connects you with a licensed realtor who can help you with listing your property on the MLS. If you need assistance or professional advice from the listing agent, you can connect with them. To find the contact information of your listing agent, please refer to the below steps:
Step 1: Accessing Your Houzeo Dashboard
- Log in to your Houzeo account using your credentials.
- Once logged in, select your property, and click on "Complete Tasks" or "View Tasks"
- You'll land on your dashboard, which serves as your centralized hub for managing your home sale.
Step 2: Navigating to the 'My Team' Section
- Locate the 'My Team' section on your dashboard. This section typically contains information about the professionals involved in your home selling process, including your listing agent:
- Click on the '+' tab to access detailed information about your listing agent and other relevant team members
Step 3: Finding Your Listing Agent's Information
- Within the 'My Team' section, look for your listing agent's profile picture.
- Click on your listing agent's profile picture to reveal their contact details, including their phone number and email address:
Ensure to save or note down this information for easy reference throughout your home selling journey.