Does the credit card used to purchase a plan need to be in the name of the seller? I’m trying to purchase for my parents and it won’t go thru.

Does the credit card used to purchase a plan need to be in the name of the seller? I’m trying to purchase for my parents and it won’t go thru.

When purchasing a Houzeo plan, the process is similar to any other online purchase. Your card information doesn't need to match the seller information on your Houzeo Dashboard.

If your card is declined during the purchase, try the following steps:

  1. Verify CVV: Ensure you're entering the correct three-digit CVV code found on the back of your card.
  2. 3D Secure: If your bank uses 3D Secure for added security, authorize the transaction as prompted.
  3. Bank Flagging: Check if your bank has flagged the transaction as fraudulent or unauthorized. This might occur if the purchase is outside your usual spending pattern and is considered suspicious.
  4. Temp-block: If you make multiple payment attempts within a short period, your bank might block the transaction to prevent duplicate payments. In such cases, please wait approximately 40-45 seconds, refresh the page, and try again.
If you are still facing any issues, feel free to connect with Houzeo Experts.