How can I relist an expired listing?
There are two ways for you to relist your expired listing, this is what can be done:
1. Relist your Property: Relisting your property requires you to list your property again on your Houzeo Dashboard as you did the first time. You will enter the property description, listing price, photos, etc. Once you complete the documents your property will be listed within 24 hours. After your property is relisted, you will get a new MLS # and the days on the market for your property will start from zero.
Photos, property description, and other information can be copied from your expired listing.
2. Extend your listing: Extending your listing would not require you to go through the process all over again. You will only sign the listing agreement for the extended terms and your listing can be extended within a few hours. The MLS # for your listing will be the same and the days on market count continues.
Kindly note that in both cases you will need to select a new MLS plan to proceed. You can choose any plan that you wish (the one you selected previously or another one).